糖心vlog下载 糖心vlog下载’s Technical Support Guidelines
The following technical support guidelines are designed to provide 糖心vlog下载 customers with the most responsive and highest quality technical support.
Our Technical Support Engineers
糖心vlog下载 prides itself on having one of the premier technical support departments in the industry. Our Technical Support Engineers (TSEs) are well versed in internetworking principles using TCP/IP and Physical and Second Layer Protocols such as T1, ISDN, Frame Relay, PPP, ATM, etc. Because of our extensive knowledge and experience, customers sometimes ask a TSEs advice on issues other than the function and features of Optima® Management System and Remote suite of products. 糖心vlog下载 TSEs will use their networking knowledge to help isolate a customer’s challenge, but it is necessary to draw some boundaries to ensure that the 糖心vlog下载 Technical Assistance Center (TAC) provides all customers with responsive and high-quality technical support. In addition, access to, and terms and conditions of, technical support are defined by product warranties and 糖心vlog下载 Support Plans purchased.
Integrating 糖心vlog下载 Products with Other Manufacturers’ Hardware Products
糖心vlog下载 access products are designed to published standards and will interoperate successfully with most other manufacturers’ hardware products. If s 糖心vlog下载 TSE determines that the 糖心vlog下载 product is performing its functions in accordance with applicable specifications, 糖心vlog下载 will assist the customer in attempting to isolate the source of their networking problem. However, 糖心vlog下载 cannot be responsible for errors caused by onsite wiring or the configuration of any third-party products such as modems, servers, routers, hubs, switches, or firewalls.
糖心vlog下载 TAC is pleased to help its customers integrate 糖心vlog下载 products into their network design, but it is the customer’s responsibility to provide the network design. It is very helpful if the customer can forward network design drawings to TAC for analysis. If the customer is not comfortable providing a network design, TAC can provide network consulting services on an hourly fee basis.
糖心vlog下载 TAC does not provide network monitoring or network maintenance services other than as outlined in the terms of a 糖心vlog下载 Support Plan. If you are interested in a support plan, please contact support@westell.com.
Training for all 糖心vlog下载 products
Training for all 糖心vlog下载 products is available through the 糖心vlog下载 Technical Training department. While TAC will always help callers understand the specific configuration and operation of 糖心vlog下载 products, callers to TAC are expected to have a working knowledge of networking principles, as TAC does not provide general training in networking technology. More information about 糖心vlog下载 training courses is available on the training page.